Wednesday, June 26, 2013


June 26th, 2013: Meet the newest addition to our wee family: Eau-din (pronounced Odin). The name Eau-din is a tribute to his dam who we bred: Eau-dee. They say your dog becomes what you name it, well...let me tell you.

EAU is French for water and DIN is apparently English for a loud unpleasant prolonged noise. He is a vocal one and needy as all get out! But, I also look at other definitions for the word DIN. In Arabic DIN means "a way of life". And for another translation, DIN is the Romanian preposition "of". I am part Romanian so that fits.

But, the best fit to translating his name is: Water-a way of life ----- Eau-din

We love him. I smile when I wake up and smile when I go to bed. Even the big dogs love him.

Puppies/dogs/animals are, in my opinion, the recipe for good health.

Here's our boy:


Grandma Gracie & Eau-din


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This Week's Adventures...

June 3rd, 2013: ...this week's adventures include a road trip this coming weekend to pick up our very first male Duck Tolling Retriever. His name will be announced as soon as we pick him up. We are excited as this Toller is a grandson to our foundation dog, Gracie. For now I leave you all with this photo of our new pup: